Wednesday, March 6, 2013



The setting for my proposal will be an open field or run down cemetery. The sky will be my focal point of view. I am going to mask the sky in the video and make the sky more futuristic such as brighter stars; the moon will look like it is much closer to earth than normal. The idea is that I am going to create a world where the sun has disappeared from the earth, and we now live in eternal night.

For props I am going to use green screen. I will also have an actor wear warm clothing and show shots of dead trees or plant life. I will also use the street lights (light pollution) to an extreme level just to match up with the story.

Equipment is pretty simple, camera and a green screen. A tripod, and software.

DV2 A5

Genre: Extra terrestrials

The setting for this proposal will be an alien invasion at the super market. I will have many special effects of a alien robot blowing up a car and a small alien robot shooting lasers at people and a flock of ufo's in the air. It will also be shot in first person using a cell phone. I will also add more effects in adobe such as color change an actor and more.

For props all I need are people. Maybe a cart full of groceries

For equipment I need a Cell phone, tripod, and software

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