Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hello Spring class of 2013!

 I know we're going to have a lot of fun working together this semester to make some really cool projects and I look forward to meeting all of you.

This is where you will be posting all of your completed assignments. Assignments which have Text or Images due can be posted right to the blog. Videos will be uploaded to your YouTube or  Vimeo account and then linked in a post here. 

Let me quickly go over the format required for your posts be count as a completed assignment:

1. The Title of the post must be the name of the assignment and your name in this format -
"Assignment - Name" 
2.  Caption your images with short descriptive text like so -
Glass Fish
3. Inset all the text of the assignment itself with the Quote button -

Here is whatever text I might need to explain or describe my assignment.
Here is the text of my assignment, which is inset using the Quote button so it's clear that this is what I want the teacher to look at for grading.
4.  When linking a video use the Embed Link that the video site should give you. Provide a short description of what you've done beneath the video itself.